Timeline of the Terran Empire

Created by Commodore Nathan Russ on Sat Apr 20th, 2019 @ 1:41pm

The history of the Terran empire continues much as the history of Earth for the United Federation of Planets until 1939. In 1939 history takes a drastic turn. No one is sure at what point but at some point during World War II the Germans over run and conquer all of Europe and most of Russia. By 1941, when the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, the American entry into the war was limited to their Pacific front. Fighting in Europe and Africa were but a dream and in 1948 Nazi German had betrayed and conquered the entire planet, minus Japan who was allowed to remain sovereign for their unfaltering support of the Nazi power.

In 1999 Adolf Hitler died from a heart attack. This sent the world into a tailspin initially. Various Generals and Governors made grabs for land and power, while the now isolationist Japan sat back and watched. A third world war broke out and in the midst of this war Australian created super men and women rose to power and the war soon became a war of eugenics. During this war a few tried to invade Japan, but found that there was a wall of technology, manpower and resources that kept them out. The third world war ended in 2058.

Meanwhile in Bozeman Montana, Doctor Zefram Cochrine worked with others to build the Phoenix warp ship. Completed in 2063, the ship made its debut launch on April 5th 2063. Shortly after the launch, an Alien ship landed. Believing the ship was full of invaders, Cochrine and his people forced them selves aboard and tore the ship apart. From this the dawn of Terran space exploration and conquest was born.

The Terran Star Navy started slowly with small warp 1 and warp 2 capable star ships exploring and colonizing the Sol system. This helped humanity to expand and build as it worked towards the ultimate goal of galactic conquest. Warp 3 and warp 4 ships helped to push Terran advancement to the Vulcan system and other near by neighboring systems. To the surprise of the Terran Empire, now led by the Japanese who remained the only government untouched by the Third World War, the Vulcans were easily conquered.

In 2151 the first Warp 5 warship was launched and the Terran Empire began to truly conquer and terrorize the galaxy. While enslaving the galaxy it soon became obvious to the Terran Empire that the alien races had benefits to offer. So various trusted aliens began to be assimilated into the Terran Star Navy. In late 2151 a Terran Warship from an alternate future was recovered by Commander Archer and the ISS Enterprise. The USS Defiant returned to Earth where Empress Hoshi Sato took her place as the rule of the Terran Empire.

Hoshi Sato ruled the empire for many years, as she did the Terran Empire continued to expand and grow. Terran technology and power was like locusts and seemed to know no bounds. In 2233 it suffered its greatest attack. A Romulan warship from the future, the Narada, traveled back in time and destroyed the ISS Kelvin. Then in 2255 the ISS Enterprise was launched under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. While reviewing command applicant cadets, Captain Pike was killed by Ensign James T. Kirk who claimed the Enterprise as the victor of honorable combat as permitted to him per his graduation from the Terran Fleet Command School. Then in 2258, Captain James Kirk and ISS Enterprise led a fleet against the Narada and were able to board and over power Nero and his crew but not before Nero destroyed the planet Vulcan. The ship was claimed by the Emperor and Kirk was awarded handsomely for his actions.

In 2260 a new line of ships was launched with the ship of the class commanded by Imperial Admiral Alexander Marcus. Admiral Marcus named his Flag ship the ISS Vengeance. Under his command the ISS Vengeance helped to quell many systems and introduced the Dreadnought size ship as a functional up size to the battle ship. ISS Vengeance would later go on to obliterate the planet Organia. The ship was a staple in Terran combat until the 2270s.

In 2286 an unknown alien ship invaded Terran space and attacked Earth. The long black cylindrical ship with a small glob being tractored with it incapacitated all ships that got near it. Earth would have been lost if not for the actions of Captain William Decker and the ISS Enterprise NCC-1701-A. One of his officers, Lieutenant Commander Ilea, discovered a signal and was able to reproduce the signal enough that the alien invader ceased its attack. On its way out of the system, the Terran Fleet lead by James T. Kirk and the first ISS Enterprise, attacked and destroyed the ship to insure it never invaded again.

In 2293 Captain Hiraku Sulu commanding the ISS Excelsior and Captain Pavel Chekov commanding the ISS Reliant were on routine war games in the Beta Quadrant when they tracked a shock wave that originated from the Klingon moon of Praxis. Believing the Klingons to be in a weekend stance from this the Emperor ordered the invasion of Klingon space that started a new war with the Klingon empire. In the opening engagements a rumor began of a secret Klingon weapon, a ship that could fire while cloaked. Though this rumor was never substantiated, mysterious early losses suggested there may be some truth in the rumor.

In 2298 the ISS Deutschland, commanding a small battle group, caught a damaged Klingon K'Tinga class battle cruiser off guard near Terran space. After boarding the ship they were able to capture and return home with the daughter of the Chancellor of the High Council. She was 'interrogated' thoroughly before being slowly and painfully executed on sub space communication for all to see. This furthered the Klingon resolve to fight the war and led to the forge of a temporary alliance between the Klingons and the Romulans.

In 2317 the ISS Galloway invaded Minos Korva and enslaved the entire colony of Cardassians. They were taken to various Terran Bases and tortured before being used as personal servants for their unique physical attributes and abilities. Later that year the Galloway went on to quell a rebel uprising in the Deveron system. ISS Galloway served as a shining example of Imperial Loyalty and was rewarded by the Empire with retirement to be a training vessel to prolong its life and be used as a symbol for the young eager Terran Academy Cadets.

In 2324 the ISS Bozeman disappeared while fighting with a Romulan warship near the Algeron system. Believed destroyed, the empire mounted a fleet and invaded Romulan space. The Romulan empire was worn down to 1/3rd of its size when the fighting ended. In the end the Romulans agreed to peace and was forced to provide the Empire with its cloaking technology. Reserved for a specific unit, the Empire began to equip specific ships with cloaking devices. ((To be continued))

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