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Mon Jun 24th, 2019 @ 11:41am

Major Akoshriv th’Azhysriss

Name Akoshriv th’Azhysriss

Position Previous Crew

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 182cm (6'0")
Weight 79kgs
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Akoshriv is a tall and well muscled Andorian Thaan. He is broad shouldered and solidly built. He keeps his hair long, and gathers it into one long braid, hanging down to just past his shoulder blades. His skin is a rich blue, and his eyes are a much paler electric blue. Despite living a life dedicated to combat, his skin remains free of scars.


Spouse Ishohlib ch’Taorhol (36), Threttaa zh’Iqaonnal (34), Vrenthqet sh’Oshrethol (35)
Children Ipyzaosh sh’Iqaonnal (10)
Kohrthrel th’Iqaonnal (8)
Shrashia zh’Iqaonnal (5)
Othryshaon sh’Iqaonnal (2)
Father Shihriav ch’Ihraalnek (72), Ibehrith th’Shriarrith (70)
Mother Ashrishaa zh’Azhysriss (71), Tavaothi sh’Kylrikq (71)
Siblings and Other Family Brothers
Rorhqahr th’Azhysriss (41)
Ikyqosses ch’Azhysriss (32)

Athassial zh’Azhysriss (36)
Thryshaa sh’Azhysriss (31)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Akoshriv th’Azhysriss, known as Shriv by many, is a serious and hard working man. He thrives in combat, and lives for the thrill of battle. Despite enjoying battle so much, Shriv keeps a level head, and uses his emotions to fuel himself while fighting. Given the opportunity, Shriv prefers to engage in hand to hand combat, either with fists, or using a variety of Melee weapons native to Andoria. Despite preferring to fight hand to hand, Shriv is also an expert Marksman, rarely missing his shots.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Hand to Hand & Melee Combat Expert
+Expert Marksman
+Serious and Hard Working

-Enjoys combat a bit too much
-Very aggressive
-Rude and Uncouth
Ambitions To command an entire Marine Battalion, for the glory of the Empire!
To have his name both feared and respected throughout the Empire.
To become one of the greatest military men of all time.
Hobbies & Interests Hand to Hand Combat
Weapons training, both Melee and Ranged
Physical Exercise
Survival Exercises

Personal History Akoshriv was born high in the Tavada Mountains, at the Tratlen Ridge Settlement, on the Voral continent, Andoria. He grew up surrounded by family and friends, and enjoyed participating in outdoor activities with them. He was quite the survivalist, and at one point when he was 9, Shriv spent 4 days at the summit of a nearby mountain, in the height of a harsh winter, just to prove he could survive anything.

At age 14, Shriv knew he wanted to join the Andorian Imperial Guard. The honoured warriors of the Andorian people, and steadfast troops of the Terran Empire. He dedicated himself to this goal, training himself day and night to be the best he possibly could be. At the age of 18, he applied to, and was accepted into the Andorian Imperial Guard Academy. He studied hard, and in 2350 Shriv graduated and was assigned to the ISS Bismark as a member of her Marine Company.

While aboard the ISS Bismark, Shriv fought in several battles. Minor skirmishes with the Klingons and Romulans along border colonies. He fought with distinction, and gained several honours in combat. In 2357, the Bismark was ambushed by a Klingon attack. She was boarded, and the Klingons began killing without hesitation. Shriv had been off duty at the time of the attack, and was thus unarmed. He managed to take a D'k tahg from the first Klingon he encountered, and killed the Klingon. Armed only with the stolen weapon, Shriv fought his was to the armoury, and acquired his standard Marine kit. Properly armed, he was now able to fight properly. Along with two of his fellow Marines, Shriv led a charge to the bridge. It was slow going, but they got there eventually, leaving a trail of slaughtered Klingons in their wake. They were too late, and when they reached the bridge, the Captain and Command Crew were already dead.

The Klingons had been defeated, but the Bismark was dead in the water. It took a week, but eventually the Engineers repaired the warp drive, and the ship was able to limp to the nearest starbase. Bismark was put in for a refit, and Shriv was reassigned. He was placed aboard the ISS Agrippa as the Executive Officer of her Marine Company. The Commanding Officer of the Agrippa’s Marine Company did not like Shriv, and took great delight in shutting down his ideas, or directly contradicting them. Shriv allowed this for several years, as he slowly plotted his revenge. In late 2361, their Marine Company was engaged in battle against rebels on a border colony. During combat, Shriv was separated from the rest of the company, and stumbled into a rebel sniper post. He killed the lot of them, but saw this as the perfect opportunity to deal with this Commanding Officer. He took one of the rebel snipers, and waited, less than two minutes later, his CO and several other troopers moved into his sights. In order to make it appear like a true ambush, Shriv killed the whole squad, before returning to his own. Following their victory against the rebels, and the “unfortunate” death of the Marine CO, Shriv was promoted, and placed into the newly vacant position.

He served aboard the Agrippa for a further 2 years, before a position opened up aboard the ISS Yamato, a new Galaxy Class warship. Knowing he would be declined, but dreaming of the post anyway, Shriv applied for the role of Commanding Officer of the Yamato’s Marine Company. To his complete surprise he was accepted. Determined to prove that a non-Terran could succeed in the position, he immediately put the Yamato’s Marines through a series of grueling training exercises, and removed those who could not keep up from the Company. A year later, the Company was in much better shape, and ready for anything...
Service Record 2363 - Present - Marine Commanding Officer, ISS Yamato
2387 - Assigned to ISS Agrippa as Marine XO
2350 - Graduates Imperial Guard Academy, assigned to ISS Bismark as Marine Trooper
2346 - Begins Training at Imperial Guard Academy
2328 - Born